Zero Waste Initiative
As a part of the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment, Aquinas College is working to achieve campus-wide zero municipal solid waste. Zero waste is defined by the Zero Waste International Alliance as over a 90% diversion of waste, such that less than 10% of discards are landfilled/incinerated.
Since 2015, all trash, recycling, and compost is weighed in each building and a diversion
rate is regularly published for each building. This allows the Aquinas community to
see where we need improvements or where we are already meeting our goal. In the past,
diversion has been calculated by estimating the volume of trash, recycling, and compost
dumpsters and converting that estimated volume into an estimated weight. Actual weights allow
for much more accurate diversion calculations. Thus the approach is more convenient,
more accurate, and provides more timely, actionable information.
We have seen incredible improvement and progress since our formal zero waste initiative
began in 2012. You have all been a part of improving our diversion rate from an estimated
45% in 2012 to 57% (FY 2022). We recognize it gets harder as you get closer to 100%,
but our past progress is an indicator that we can reach this goal. We are grateful
for the continuing community support for this initiative which has become an important
part of our institutional culture and has helped us “walk the talk” of sustainability!
The file below displays the waste diverted from each building since July 1, 2022. Diversion rates calculate the percent of waste that is diverted from the landfill
or incinerator via composting and recycling. A 90% diversion rate or higher is considered
zero waste, according to the Zero Waste International Alliance.
View this document in a separate page
**** Please note: Buildings with unique uses, such as Albertus Hall, the Performing Arts Center, and the Art and Music Center, have very unique waste streams. Therefore, it is more difficult to move these buildings closer to zero waste and requires a dedicated and intentional effort to improve the diversion rate.
Collection Systems
Click on the links below to learn more out about recycling, special collections, and
composting programs.
Recycling: Aquinas’ recycling program is a single stream system, meaning all paper, plastic,
glass, and tin can be disposed of in the same bin. Blue recycling bins can be found
in every building on campus.
Special Collections: Special collections to recycle other "non-traditional" materials are located in
nearly every campus building. The stations offer an opportunity to dispose of styrofoam,
Terracyle items, e-waste, batteries, ink cartridges, and goodwill donations.
Composting: Aquinas College has partnered with Michigan-based commercial composting company to
handle the campus' organic waste. Like our recycling program, green composting bins
can be found in every building on campus. Targeted collections for paper towel are
in place in bathrooms and select labs.
One Saint's Junk is Another Saint's Treasure
An online forum where members of the Aquinas Community can connect with others on
campus to find items for donation and advertise unwanted goods. Click here to access the forum to find unwanted items and advertise your own!
If your department or office is interested in a personalized zero waste training,
please contact Jessica Eimer Bowen in the Center for Sustainability.
Rethinking Waste
Compostable Products with CDS: In response to AQ’s zero waste initiative, Creative
Dining Services (CDS) has phased in all compostable coffee cups, compostable straws,
compostable "to go" containers, and compostable utensils. To check out other sustainability
initiatives of Campus Dining, please visit their website.
Jessica Eimer Bowen
Executive Director, Center for Sustainability
Albertus Hall, Rm 129
(616) 632-1994