Master of Management at Aquinas College
Master of Management: Required Courses
MG 500
The Global Economy
This is a course in Managerial Economics, which focuses primarily on the microeconomic
environment in which a manager must operate. Besides understanding how market structures
affect firm performance, the course explores the use of economic concepts as managerial
MG 510
Research, Analytics & Decision Making
A conceptual presentation of descriptive and inferential statistics and their use
in decision making. The course involves research design, planning and evaluation research,
problem selection, proposal writing and presentation, and research report writing
and evaluation. [This course should be taken within the first nine (9) credit hours
of the program.]
MG 520
Organizational Behavior & Culture
Individual factors affecting human behavior in organizations are explored in this
course. Theoretical concepts which provide the foundation for the study of organizational
behavior are examined together with an emphasis on leadership, team development, motivation,
and communication. Application of these concepts to the management of organizations
is accomplished through class activities. While the focus is almost entirely on the
core organizational behavior topics, the development of a management philosophy and
the understanding of the link between both managerial activities and organizational
effectiveness are used as integrating themes. [This course should be taken within
the first nine (9) credit hours of the program.]
MG 530
Marketing Management
Policy formation through marketing management is studied with special emphasis on
the influence of marketing institutions, market structure, governmental regulations,
and fluctuations in population and national income.
MG 540
Organizational Theory & Design
This course treats the organization as an entity for study, looking at such issues
as the historical growth of organizations, organizations as reflections of society,
organizational structure, mission, goals, culture, and politics. Emphasis is given
to the examination of the characteristics of open systems, studying models of organizations
for their effectiveness, developing strategies for innovations and change within organizations.
MG 570
Ethics & Social Responsibility of Management
A study of the role and responsibilities that organizations have in their relationship
to local, state, national, and international communities. Impact on economic, social,
and cultural systems, and the ultimate influences an organization has on personal
and social functioning are reviewed.
MG 580
Managing Financial Decisions
An examination of techniques used in establishing standards and budgets for control
with an overview of product costing and overhead applications. The course also includes
the flow of accounting data in the creation of financial statements. Careful study
is also given to the problems of making business decisions, budgeting and cost control,
and using accounting data in planning operations and policy formulation.
MG 638
Negotiating & Conflict Management
This course focuses on the development of negotiating skills in typical organizational
settings. Through the use of classroom simulation, students acquire skills in all
aspects of negotiating. Extensive use of the workshop format is employed.
MG 648
Leadership Development & Performance
A study of leadership research including leadership traits, styles, contingency theories,
and group leadership approaches. Students apply these results through an analysis
of their own personality traits and leadership styles.
MG 695
Strategic Management & Innovation
This capstone course in the student’s program is intended to consolidate the information
accumulated in earlier course work in order to demonstrate the interaction of all
sub-functions of the organization. Students will be placed in real-world situations
through the use of cases, simulation, and actual management circumstances, and will
be expected to defend any recommended actions. There is a summer short-term study
away option to Germany offered every 2 years. [Capstone course. This course should
be taken following successful completion of 21 MM credits.]
Lynn Atkins-Rykert
Graduate Programs Coordinator
Academic Building, Room 201
(616) 632-2924