Progress: Advances in Housekeeping
The drive to become a sustainable institution has spurred many changes in Aquinas'
Housekeeping Department, beginning by incorporating green cleaning products into existing
product lines back in 2007. Our Green Housekeeping Policy, a comprehensive program
designed to reduce the exposure of building occupants to potentially hazardous chemical
contaminants that adversely impact air quality, occupant well-being, and the environment,
guides our decision-making today.
Green Housekeeping Policy
Green cleaning is defined as products and services that reduce adverse health and
environmental impacts compared to similar products and services used for the same
purpose. It is a holistic approach that includes all chemicals, equipment, work procedures,
training, and communications. Aquinas College is committed to working towards sustainable
operations, and the green housekeeping program is one important part of our goal.
This housekeeping program applies to the campus of Aquinas College and impacts all
buildings and grounds.
There are certain characteristics of cleaning products we consider to be of utmost
importance. Green housekeeping for Aquinas College will include products that meet
Green Seal (GS-37) guidelines. All products purchased will be biodegradable, non-toxic,
concentrated, and work efficiently in cold water.
Rolling in the Green: AQ’s New Paper Towel Dispensers
Aquinas’ Housekeeping Department installed new paper towel dispensers during the remodeling
of every bathroom on campus. The new “controlled-use" dispensers have two major advantages.
According to the manufacturer, they typically reduce paper towel use by 15-20%. The
dispensers also reduce the spread of germs, due to the "touch less" design of the
Not only is the new dispensing system notable, but the Bay West paper purchased for
the units also has some green credentials. The “Ecosoft” paper contains 100% recycled
content (40% post-consumer and 60% post-industrial), and it is Green Seal certified.
The paper towel retrofit is another example of Aquinas "walking the talk" of sustainability
in our purchasing decisions.
Jessica Eimer Bowen
Executive Director, Center for Sustainability
Albertus Hall, Rm 129
(616) 632-1994